Otherwise, you can find out the application ID using the db2 list applications command, and use the last part of the application ID as the log file name. 否则,可以使用db2listapplications命令来确定应用程序的ID,并使用应用程序ID的最后部分作为日志文件名。
^ 0 wasn't added to the list of favorites because the file name is invalid. 无法将^0添加到收藏夹列表中,因为文件名无效。
They are made up of a list of file name extensions, and each extension appears on its own line. 它们由文件扩展名列表组成,每个扩展名占一行。
Click H under Alphabetical List of Tools by File Name. 单击下的工具的文件名按汉语拼音顺序的产品列表H。